Thursday, October 21, 2010

my time to say goodbye

I have been here for 131 days now in Tijuana, Mexico and I am one day from finishing my DTS lecture/outreach. Looking back i cannot honestly believe i have been gone for such a long time! Over the past 4 1/2 months I have seen God transform my desires and make them into his own. I do not consider myself more of a man but rather someone who has experienced God's work and presence in a new way.

For the past 4 months I have been spending my time in Tijuana, Guadalajara, and Huesteca with a group of people all across the world. Some came from Washington, Michigan, Nevada, Texas, South Dakota, Germany, Costa Rica, and other parts of Mexico. We came for many different reasons and purposes, but the main purpose was to show the kingdom of God. I had the privilege to serve, grow, and worship with some of the finest people anyone could ever meet. We all went through are trials and triumphs and I can say that it has was an honor to stand among them all. My YWAM family taught me more than I could imagine. They taught me that it was ok to show all sides of myself instead of just one. They taught me that no matter what I go through that they were and always will be there for me! For my YWAM family saw the real Brian Scott Zimmer for the first time. Actually I can say they were the ones who helped bring out the real boy and man in me. They did not see color and they did not see my flaws, because they saw a man on a mission to find his identity. Right now I am sitting at the airport reflecting on all that God has done and I can say it truly has been a blessing and I will never forget the wonderful people I met. Writing this I am holding back tears because part of me wishes I will still with them but part of me knows it is time for me to take the next step in my life, but I can say they with the help of God showed me what that next step is. The next step is to proclaim the truth and tell of the justice of God. For I was with some of the strongest people of faith I have ever met. My heart cries out for women to feel perfect and loved. My heart longs for minorities to rise up and believe in themselves. My heart cries out for the abused children of the world to know that they are loved. See I am called to be a leader and a man. Not a man that the world has defined but the man that God has called each one of us to be. I promised my team that I would continue to do what God has called me to do, and I know with God’s grace and provisions I will do that. Our voices cannot be silenced and our souls long for passion and deliverance. My YWAM family taught me that and they will forever be my family. I love you Liz, brock, Alisha, Steph, James, Somer, Jen, Jafed, Juan, Victor, Becks, Amelia, Marco, Monica, Renae, Claudia, and Yvette. I also thank my leaders Omar and Brooke, Sergio and Lorena, and Paloma.


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